Booran Reserve — where environmental and sustainable features shine

Environmental and sustainable design was a major feature of the recent enhancement works at Booran Reserve.

The works, completed in April 2017, showcase our commitment to environmental and sustainable design across the municipality and further enhance this impressive open space.

A standout feature at the reserve is a 500,000-litre storm water harvesting system, which treats and reuses water for irrigation on lawns and garden beds and for toilet flushing.

Recycling of concrete reservoir walls for base material was also a major feature of this project, with more than 95 per cent of the existing site material reused. This included onsite concrete crushing and screening, and retaining some key structures and elements as heritage features. Our recycling efforts also saved an impressive 70 per cent on demolition and formation costs.

Other major features include LED and low energy lighting used throughout the Reserve and automated systems including energy management, irrigation and lighting control software. Solar power was also installed to offset daytime running of an underground water play plant room, irrigation plant room, two toilet blocks and CCTV.

Our Water Sensitive Urban Design System has been independently modelled and exceeds best practice targets for pollution reduction in total suspended solids, phosphorous, nitrogen and gross pollutants. In addition, reuse of captured water provides up to 64.2 per cent of the annual water demand for the site.

We also worked hard to enhance the natural environment at the Reserve and planted a mix of native and exotic trees and plants to provide contrasting colours throughout the year, while the urban forest corridor now provides an ideal habitat for native birds.